The Dado Syndrome


Editorial selection: Dado, until the 27th of November, 2010.

Posthumous additions are made by Les Méchantes Petites Filles.

Production and administration: Pascal Szidon.

This website is published by Les Méchantes Petites Filles, an association governed by the Law of 1901, as declared at the Prefecture of the Hauts-de-Seine on June 16, 2009.

The majority of the French texts were translated by D. Radzinowicz.


Philippe Ancelin, Hélène Audiffren, Marija and Dejo Bajagić, Stéphane Bausch, Jacques Beauffet, Fabien Béjean-Leibenson, Alice Bellony-Rewald, Sybille Billot, Hendrik Bokdam, Jacques Brissot and Evelyne Kavos, Michel Buono, François Carignan, Jessica Cavalero, Rajko Cerović, Cindy Chanthavong, Françoise Choay, Jean-Luc Cholet, Albane Coissard​, Alain and Nadine Controu, Jean-François Cros, Maria Dias Pereira and Yvonnick Urvoy (SONUMA), Valérie Degrelle, Fanny Deleuze, Sanela Demić, Dominique Desanti, Brunhild Ferrari, Philippe Ferrari, Annabelle Ferté, Jean-Paul Galez, Bénédicte Godin, Martin Guesnet, Gwenola Guyot, Geoffroy Jossaume, Vladana Jonquet, Marcus Kinge, Félix Lachance, Irena Lagator Pejović, Matthieu Lamotte, Marcel Larmanou, Mélanie Lebret, Yven Lebreton, Claude Lemarié, Julien Maurel, Duška Mićunović, Layla Moget, Samuel Monier, Snežana Nikčević, Bernard Noël, Paul Nyzam, Alfred Pacquement, Christian Pallis, Catherine Paysant, Lazar Pejović, Prescillia Quéré, Snežana Rakonjac, Ana and Milena Radoičić, Siniša Radulović, Jérôme Robert-Gorse, Stéphane Rodier, Sandrine (Imprimerie Arlys), Didier Schulmann, Carole Silvestri, Jim Staelen, Jasna Stojković, Catherine Tiraby, Sylvie Tournaire, Marie Veidig, Germain Viatte, Pierrette Villemagne, Alexia Volot, Dominique Volot, Jean-Claude Volot, Gert Wiescher.